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A Champion of Champions for Bellingham!

This year’s Bellingham Show on Saturday 31st August brought Northumbrian Pipers in from near and far to compete in the annual Show competitions.


Competition judge Kathryn Tickell said ‘It was great to see so many people dropping into the tent to listen to some music.  The piping competitions were also well supported, which is fantastic as Bellingham Show has such a long tradition of supporting Northumbrian piping’. 

Champion of Champions, Anthony Robb with judge Kathryn Tickell.jpg

The competitions even saw two entries to the ‘Champion of Champions’ class, a category last contested in 2010 (when it was claimed by Rob Say from Wall).  ‘Champion of Champions’, only open to those who have previously won top level competitions across Northumberland, was awarded this year to Anthony Robb, piper and fiddle player with Windy Gyle Band (pictured, photo credited to Pam Horne). 

The ‘Spencer Cup’, with an additional engraved name, will now return to Morpeth Chantry Bagpipe Museum, where it will be kept in pride of place until next year’s competitions. 

The Bellingham competitions, hosted by Magnetic North East CIC, cater for all levels of Northumbrian piping.  A notable performance came from Sophie Fraser (aged 12), who won the Novice trophy, with an inspiring and tuneful command of the instrument.   (Full results below)

In the afternoon, a varied programme consisted of singers Abbey Tilley, Mike Tickell and David McCracken, and bands including The Sunday Trio, Tarset’s Song Reivers, Woolsington Strings and Tarset Ceilidh Band. 

The afternoon was drawn to a close with a delightful rendition of ‘Sweet Hesleyside’ and ‘Hesleyside Reel’, led by Kathryn Tickell.

A huge thanks to everyone who came along and helped make it such an enjoyable day!

Piping Competition Results

NOVICE - 1st place - Sophie Fraser ( Rothbury Hills/Hesleyside Reel)

OPEN - 1st place - Andrew Lawrenson (Cuckold Come out the Amery/The Omnibus/ Rowan Tree Hill

2nd place - Sarah Tym (Keening in the Wind (B Pigg)/Shields Fair/Highland Laddie

OPEN HALF-LONGS - 1st place - Iain Gelston (Cotting Burn/Dorrington Lads/Over the Border)

CHAMPION OF CHAMPIONS - 1st place - Anthony Robb (Inisheer/Nay Good Luck/Glen Aln Hornpipe)

2nd place - Andrew Lawrenson (Rookland Lasses/Keel Row with variations)

DUET PIPES - 1st place - Nick Leeming & Ann Sessoms (Swindon/Herd on the Hill)

2nd place - Anthony Robb & Andrew Lawrenson (Ned of the Hill/Proudlock's Hornpipe)"